coronavirus and speech therapy

COVID-19 is here, and Andalusia Speech Therapy is following all recommended protocol to prepare in order to maintain quality services and keep our clients and team safe.

We continue to offer online therapy without disruption. Most speech therapy issues can be addressed online, read more on our teletherapy blog post.

For clients coming in clinic, we ask that all clients who may have been exposed to COVID-19 or have any symptoms of fever, coughing, or difficulty breathing to please reschedule their appointment.

For those who are symptom-free and have risk of low exposure, we ask that they sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the clinic.

On our end, we have increased hygiene measures at our clinic with regular sanitizing of our spaces and physical resources. Our staff are only coming in if they have not traveled out of the country recently or are symptom free.

Thank you for your cooperation. We are doing our part to keep the risk low.

Ibtissam Mustaq
Clinic Director