Our Services

Late Talker
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If your toddler or preschooler is not talking yet or showing signs of a delay in language, let us know. We can assess your child and let you know if they are delayed or on track!

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Some sounds are trickier than others to say. If you or your child are having difficulties pronouncing certain sounds, we can help!

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If your child is showing signs of Autism or already has a diagnosis, we can help with developing social communication and language skills.

Literacy & Language
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If you or your child are experiencing difficulties with reading (dyslexia) or writing, we can assess both areas and identify goals to work on.

Public Speaking
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Speaking to professional clients at work, with colleagues in a meeting, doing a presentation in front of a class, or even talking on a date can be nerve-wracking. We can help you build skills and confidence!

Stroke, Aphasia and Brain Injury
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A stroke or traumatic brain injury can be scary and a life altering experience. If you or a loved one has lost language function since then, we can support rehabilitation.

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Our Speech Language Pathologists have been helping individuals who speak multiple languages adjust their English accent to a Canadian dialect for years!

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Stuttering or stammering is not just one aspect of a person’s life, it can take over their whole life and every action or word they intend to say.

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When someone is non-speaking or has limited verbal words, they can still communicate through Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). There is a broad range of AAC options we can support.

Voice Disorder
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We often take our voices for granted, but when we develop a hoarse voice or experience pain in our throats when we speak, or lose our voice from an illness, simple communication becomes hard. We have strategies to help you regain your voice.

Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)
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A car accident can be highly traumatic. We can help the rehabilitation journey if you or a loved one experienced a communication impairment after your accident.

Hearing Loss
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We help those who are deaf or hard of hearing to use their hearing aids or cochlear implants to listen and communicate through AVT.

Refugees and IFHP
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If you are a refugee in Canada and have Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP), we can help with any speech therapy and occupational therapy needs.

Late Talker
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If your toddler or preschooler is not talking yet or showing signs of a delay in language, let us know. We can conduct an assessment to let you know if your child is on the right track or needs some support. We know how many words or how complex a child’s language should be at every stage. We also know that early intervention is important and are here to help. We provide assessments, referrals and therapy for preschool kids.

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Some sounds are trickier than others to say. If you or your child are having difficulties pronouncing certain sounds or if their speech is unclear, contact us for an assessment and therapy sessions. We will let you know if your child is on the right track, help identify any issues, and provide one-on-one training and tips for home practice to help achieve their speech goals!

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Stuttering or dysfluency is not just one aspect of a person’s life, it can take over their whole life and every action or word they intend to say. We provide stuttering treatment therapy from a holistic approach which starts with information on stuttering, training on strategies to reduce moments of stuttering, discussion of related anxiety and stress in a comfortable and supportive environment, and other activities to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle to reduce stuttering. Discover the ability to use trained techniques to achieve fluent speech and a balanced lifestyle!

Literacy & Language
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If you or your child are experiencing difficulties with reading (dyslexia) or writing, we can help! Once an assessment has been conducted, your Speech Language Pathologist will identify the sub-areas of reading and/or writing that are difficult (i.e. decoding, fluency, organization of thoughts, punctuation, reading comprehension, etc.). Based on this assessment, your Speech Language Pathologist will create an effective and personalized treatment plan that works towards developing stronger reading and writing skills to begin using and understanding language with ease. An Occupational Therapist can also help with letter formation if required.

Public Speaking
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Speaking in front of a crowd may feel like an impossible or daunting task. Or you might think it is not a skill you have. What we are here to tell you is that public speaking is a skill that can be taught and learned. As Speech Language Pathologists, we specialize in communication skills. We can guide your speaking skills and help you gain the confidence you need!

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When someone is non verbal or has limited verbal speaking abilities, they can still communicate through Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). AAC can look like many different things, ranging from a personalized communication book, to picture communication, to a software program on a tablet. AAC is often used after a stroke, when someone is non verbal, or when someone has delayed language skills. Our Speech Language Pathologists can provide assessments and therapy to help your loved one learn to communicate more freely or develop their language skills through an AAC.

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Our Speech Language Pathologists have been helping individuals who speak multiple languages adjust their English accent for years! We believe an accent should not be a source of embarrassment, it shows you are multilingual! But we understand it can impact clarity. We provide treatment online or-in person at our multiple locations and accept most insurance. Contact us today to learn new ways of speaking in 1-2 sessions!

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If your child is showing signs of Autism or already has a diagnosis, we can help with developing social communication and language skills. Our assessments include screening for autism and our therapy incorporates evidence-based practices for children on the spectrum to help them develop social skills and language.

Stroke, Aphasia and Brain Injury
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A traumatic brain injury or stroke can be a scary and life altering experience. Damage to the language or planning centres of the brain can result in aphasia, difficulty with language understanding or expression. Speech Language Pathologists support the recovery process for individuals suffering with aphasia by conducting assessments, providing strategies and training, and act ad an advocate for the individual with their communication needs. Contact us for more information.

Voice Disorder
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We often take our voices for granted, but when we develop a hoarse voice or experience pain in our throats when we speak, simple communication tasks can become difficult. If you are experiencing voice issues and you don’t know why, or your vocal disorder is secondary to an identified medical condition, find out if we can help. We receive referrals from Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctors or individuals who call us directly to help them improve the health and quality of their voices. Many voice issues can be alleviated with lifestyle changes that improve the health of your vocal folds.

Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)
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A motor vehicle accident (MVA) can be a highly traumatic event. When suffering from a language injury subsequent to an MVA, our Speech Language Pathologists can help you rehabilitate your language skills and provide alternate strategies for communication. Our Occupational Therapists can help you regain or improve your skills in daily living. Our therapists are licensed with HCAI and will work as a team to help you in your rehabilitation journey.

Hearing Loss
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If you or your child have recently been implanted with a cochlear implant or fitted for hearing aids and require assistance learning to listen with the new hearing or training for speech and language development, come see us for auditory verbal training. We provide resources for hard-of-hearing individuals and provide therapy and tips to help maximize your listening potential and speech and language production.

Refugees and IFHP
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If you are a refugee in Canada, you may be eligible for Speech Therapy services under the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP). All of our Speech Language Pathologists are registered with IFHP. If you would like speech therapy, please send us your 9-digit IFHP number and a doctor’s referral for Speech Therapy to info@andalusiaspeech.com or fax 416 698 8127. Once we receive that information, we can get you started!